Food and drink sleep tips
Avoid grain- and sugar-based snacks before bed - they raise blood-sugar levels, which hinders sleep.
Eat a high protein snack and/or a piece of fruit a few hours before bed - both aid the production of helpful sleep chemicals in our body.
Avoid drugs. They ain't natural. They ain't sustainable, and they ain't addressing the real issues.
Avoid caffeine after mid-day and certainly before bed-time - obviously - it's a stimulant. Especially avoid coffee, but caffeine is also in tea and some fizzy drinks.
Some people's bodies take many, many hours to break down caffeine - it's the way we are made - we've evolved from people who until recently never drank the stuff at all.
Avoid alcohol. (See drugs above.)
Alcohol also hinders the body's deep sleep functions, which is bad for general health.
Alcohol also dehydrates our body, which makes us feel bad the next day.
Generally avoid food and drink that you know you are sensitive to. This again is related to our evolution.
Our genes reflect our ancestors and their lifestyles.
The more in tune you can become with your body's natural preferences and tolerances then the more balanced and harmonious you will become, and the better you will sleep.
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